Tigray Emergency Response, Ethiopia

Doctors without Borders (MSF) Tigray Emergency Response, Ethiopia.

Location: Tigray, Ethiopia

Position Title: Water & Sanitation Manager


Water and Sanitation Engineering Manager supporting Doctors without Borders (MSF) operations for Mobile Clinics, Health Center, Hospital, Cholera Treatment Units, and IDP camps. 

Shire, Tigray, Ethiopia
Supporting water and sanitation needs in Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps located in Shire, Tigray, Ethiopia. Coordinating with Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) partners in the UN WASH Cluster group to provide a cohesive water and sanitation response. Providing potable drinking water to the 14+ IDP camps located throughout Shire, construction and repair of water tanks, pipelines and water trucking. Construction and repair of sanitation facilities; emergency latrines, showers and waste zones. Design and build cholera treatment unit in preparation for rainy season.

Sheraro, Tigray, Ethiopia
Planning, developing and implementing the full Water & Sanitation (WATSAN) response (Logframe) for Sheraro town, in Northwest Tigray region, Ethiopia. Planning and organizing water trucking for all of the IDP camps in Sheraro, construction and deployment of water tanks and distribution systems. Repair and construction of latrines for 14+ IDP camps in Sheraro to obtain MSF and SPHERE sanitation standards. Supporting Sheraro Health Center, construction and repair of medical waste zone facilities, construction of concrete lined incinerator ash pit, concrete lined pit for sharps and glass crusher, repair of biological medical waste pit, and waste zone fence. 

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